Committed to the Cause

Carl Brome is President and co-founder of L’Amim Ministries International Inc, a Messianic Jewish ministry To the Nations. He is also an ordained Pastor.
Mr. Brome’s previous experience as a Flight Engineer in the US Air Force has acclimated him to the nuances of world travel, which is beneficial to the missions he now performs. He has a Master’s Degree in Aeronautical Science, which has proved helpful in the various activities needed for researching and compiling relevant subjects matters about Mission Outreaches.
Carl manages and oversees the administrative affairs of L'Amim Ministries. Since 2012, He has participated in spiritual and humanitarian outreaches to Uganda, Nigeria, Liberia, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, and the Dominican Republic. He teaches Biblical life-skills to improve the livelihood of peoples around the world and initiates benevolent programs in partnership with local ministries.
Mr. Brome has initiated/supported several projects in various countries. In Kenya, a water delivery business was started to bring self-sufficiency to a pastor and his family, the orphans, and widows, he is responsible for, in addition, to support this minister's outreach programs. In Liberia, various programs are in place for children to go to school and eat, young adults to attend higher-education, and adults to participate in a literacy program. These initiatives’ ultimate goal is to bring independence to the recipients, then for them to help others in a like manner.
Carl is a person of integrity and has the heart to help people everywhere to help themselves, regardless of the nation they live in. The many testimonials of improved lives and life habits make each day worth looking forward to for Mr. Brome. He enjoys bicycling, hiking, running, and swimming.
Whereas Carl Brome once did world wide missions for his country, he now does so for God to benefit all mankind. Mr. Brome can be reached at

Ms. Aubry is a retired social worker with 20+ years of experience in the field. She worked with several non-profit organizations in the Domestic Violence programs and the survivors, the ESL, At-Risk youth in the Juvenile delinquency court system program. She is knowledgeable in the area of young mothers and teen pregnancy, proving support and advocacy as well as fighting for their rights. She has worked with Adult daycare centers to provide recreational activities and counseling.
Ms. Aubry was involved in school plays at thirteen and was quite at ease behind a microphone at the age of sixteen. She started a radio program at Radio Nouveau Monde back in 1976 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, her native country until she migrated to the US in 1976. She holds several certificates; such as Christian counseling and has earned a BA in Literature with a concentration in Creative Writing at Pace University and a Master’s degree in Social Work at Touro College in 2008.
As an ordained minister, the Lord opened the door for her to travel to Venezuela, Trinidad, Mexico, and Israel and recently to Ivory Coast, West Africa.
She hopes that some of the gifts bestowed upon her will allow her to fulfill her calling and be a blessing to the body of Christ/Yeshua as she concentrates on the mandate from Philippians 2:4 “Not looking to your own interest but each of you to the interests of others.”.

Ms. Brome is a Messianic believer in the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ). She holds a Master of Science degree in Mental Health Counseling and a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice. She has worked in the interest of children and families with the State of Florida in Palm Beach County and Broward County. Ms. Brome worked as a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Counselor with various residential and rehabilitation programs in South Florida. She also worked with the New York State Justice Center as an Internal Investigator. Ms. Brome has a lifelong passion for protecting children, strengthening families and individuals. She believes that fully functioning families/individuals create stronger communities. Her professional philosophy is to make a difference in people’s lives through expert advice, personal empowerment, and compassion.

Richard McCaw has been writing and publishing from the age of ten.
He became a musician at the age of thirteen, began preaching and teaching the Bible at the age of fifteen. Later, his gifts of music and writing supported his missionary endeavors in schools, universities, and churches in Jamaica and Florida.
In his young adult years, he became a journalist and in 1976 represented Jamaica at the Caribbean Writers’ and Artists’ Workshop in Trinidad.
An ordained pastor, he has ministered widely in churches, seminars and conferences in Trinidad, Montserrat, Barbados, Curacao, Cuba, Guyana, Canada, England, and the United States.
Since 2013, he has been writing for a quarterly online magazine. “” that is published in London. His vision has always been to see God's people thoroughly equipped for the work of the ministry.

The Aguirre's became a part of L'Amim because ministering to the Nations have been the calling in their lives from our Heavenly Father. The Aguirre's always wanted to make this dream of theirs come true for a very long time. They are very thankful that this is the appointed time and that the opportunity has been given to them through L"Amim Ministries International Inc.
This goes hand in hand with what Deuteronomy 26:12-13 & 10:17-19, "Give to the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, so that they may eat within your gates and be filled." We, the Lord’s people, must obey. As for us, it is a great joy and pleasure in helping out those in need. It is within their hearts to have feelings of love, mercy, and compassion for those going through hardships. Also as 1 Corinthians 13:13 says, "Just like our heavenly father has taken care of us we must reciprocate that with others less fortunate." The Aguirre's continues to be disciples of their loving and heavenly father and follow in His footsteps. They find great pleasure in following the teachings of our Lord which are, always do good, because that is the basis for love.
The Bible
The Bible—which is composed of the Tanakh (the Old Testament) and the Brit Hadashah (the New Testament)—is God’s infallible and authoritative instructions to us on how to live our lives. It is God’s Word written for our benefit, to bring and keep us in fellowship with Him.
2 Timothy 3:15-17, Romans 15:4; 2 Peter 1:19-21, Hebrews 4:2, Ephesians 6:17
God exists as three Echad (One, United) indivisible persons—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The three operate as one and complement each other.
Deuteronomy 6:4, Isaiah 48:16-17, 1 John 5:7-13
Yeshua (Jesus)
Yeshua is God’s son who came to Earth in the flesh being born of a virgin, died and was resurrected, and now sits on the right hand of God the Father. He is the Messiah (Christ), who has come to redeem us to the Father. Yeshua is the fulfillment of scriptures that prophesied of the coming Savior.
Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:22-23
The Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit)
The Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) is present in believers to guide, convict, teach, and comfort us as we need to live a holy and fulfilling life.
Jeremiah 31:31-34, John 14:15-17, Galatians 5:13-25
One New Man
Jew and Gentile are the “One New Man” who have accepted Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah—as their Lord and Savior. Through Abraham’s obedience to God, “all nations of the world have been blessed,” and the Gentiles have been grafted-in to the body of Messiah (Christ).
Genesis 22:18; Ephesians 2:12-14, Acts 10:34, 1 Corinthians 12:13, Romans 11:17-24
We Are Our Brother’s Keepers
As God provides and directs, we are to go and do to help our brothers around the world
Matthew 12:50
The Great Commission “To the Nations”
In proclaiming the gospel “to the Nations”—whether those who live next to us or halfway around the world. We are to use the abilities and resources to go and do as He leads us through The Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit).
Matthew 28:16-20